Autumn International Tickets 2021

The following information is provided on behalf of Chris Rees, LSRFUR Ticket Secretary.

As in the past, the Society has a number of tickets for the Autumn Internationals as follows:

  •  Australia 13/11/2021 - Kick off 17.30 

  •  South Africa 20/11/2021 - Kick off 15.15 

For each of these games, the Society has the following tickets:

  • 12@£57

  • 28@£97

  • 10@£112

There is also a match v Tonga on 6th November, but the RFU will be making tickets available directly to the public should you wish to attend.

Members are invited to email Chris Rees ( before 14th September requesting up to two tickets for each of the matches for their personal use. Please do not apply for tickets and then advise Chris that you no longer wish to have the tickets because you are refereeing... it has happened! 

Please also advise the maximum price you are prepared to pay for each match you apply for.

Should there be excess requests over tickets available, the allocation will be made on the basis of 'contribution to the Society', be that matches refereed etc so please also advise Chris of what you do within the Society. eg Committee, Advisor,  Active referee.

Successful applicants will be advised by no later than 20th September and will be provided with details of the account into which ticket monies should be transferred.

Many Thanks

