DBS Checks & RFU GMS Update

The following update is provided by LSRFUR General Secretary Peter Coulthard and was circulated to members via email on 20/08/2021.

An important message for all members - please do read this and action it. Even to the extent you don't wish to get a DBS check (for whatever reason), there is still a request/action for you regarding the RFU GMS system and the Society. There will be further communication around this and some discussion on it at the Society Annual Training Conference.

DBS Checks are now required for officiating youth rugby matches (or for MOs, in order to coach/assess young match officials). This is now a requirement under RFU Regulations. Until your check is in process you will be unable to officiate such fixtures.

In order to achieve this, you can obtain your DBS check free of charge from the Society. A full how to guide will follow shortly, but the below sets out how to do this as well. If you have a check through other rugby channels (e.g. a club), this will suffice and please provide your Regional Safeguarding Assistant with the details (and also sign up to the Society on GMS, so we can confirm this through your RFU record). Note DBS checks outside of rugby union are not valid for these purposes.

Even to the extent you do not wish to be DBS checked, please can you log on to the RFU GMS (Game Management System) and sign up to the Society - this is to enable us to better track our membership and also to hold critical information, such as Next of Kin details, should the need ever arise, as well as to ensure that training you undertake is recorded.

ID checks for DBS

ID checks will be undertaken at various Society events over the coming weeks and months to onboard everyone who wants such a check (they are not mandatory, but should you choose not to get one, we cannot appoint you to such fixtures), and then will be available on an ongoing basis as required (e.g. new members, renewals). You can also make arrangements with any of the Society Safeguarding Team to get your ID checked - note it does not have to be your regional contact, but there is one in each region to help make this process as easy and quick as possible (as checks must occur in person).

The Safeguarding Team who can undertake ID checks currently comprises of me (as the Society Safeguarding Officer), John Durkin/John Payton (SW), Simon Burman (W), Paul Carroll (N), Simon Goatcher (SE) and Jeff Baker (MOs / W). Please do get in touch with them with any questions.

Process for GMS - please undertake this regardless of if you want a DBS check

1)      Register or Login to the RFU’s Game Management System (GMS). Rather than through WTR, the DBS process (and various RFU data collection) is administered through the RFU’s central GMS system. You will need to have an account on that platform. You may already have this (but you may not be aware). Go to (https://gms.rfu.com/GMS/Account/Login) and either login, reset your password or create a new account. The system will tell you if you have an account already. Note it may be registered to a very old email address (as we have found with some people). Should you be unable to login, please contact your Regional Safeguarding Assistant and me, who will attempt to assist by letting you know your login/resetting your email to the extent possible.

2)      Confirm your details are up to date on GMS. In particular, please can you complete your Next of Kin data on GMS as well, in case of emergency.

3)      ‘Purchase’ Membership of the London Society. You then need to associate your GMS profile with the Society. This is done by ‘purchasing’ membership of the Society on GMS. While logged in, go to (https://gms.rfu.com/GMS/Dashboard/Organisation/3363) and select ‘Buy Memberships’. Add ‘Member’ and ‘[Your Region]’ to you basket and go through the checkout process (don’t worry there is no cost). This will ensure you show up in our membership list.

If you do not require a DBS check, then the next step is optional.

4)      Complete the RFU Safeguarding e-learning. Before you can apply for a DBS check, you must complete the RFU e-learning module on Safeguarding. This consists of web-based training followed by a 10 question quiz (pass mark is 70%). This should take you no longer than 20-30 mins. To take the training, while logged in to GMS, go to your dashboard (https://gms.rfu.com/GMS/Dashboard/Individual) and scroll to the bottom. Under ‘Upcoming Events’ click on ‘Find a Course’. Using the search filters on the left hand side of the screen, select ‘Safeguarding’ under courses and search. Select the “eLearning: Introduction to Safeguarding” course at the bottom of the list by clicking on the ‘More’ button. Book onto this course (and then “Purchase” the course from your basket to get the link sent to you – again there is no cost) and then complete it using the link you are emailed.

You are now able to apply for your eDBS check. To do so, please complete the attached form, and bring your 3 forms of original ID (copies are not allowed) to your session/appointment with one of the Safeguarding Team. The relevant groups of ID are set out in the attachment - at least one document from Group 1, and then two other documents, or else at least one document from Group 2a, and then two other documents. At least one must show your current address.

The Team will then check your form, and input it onto the DBS system, at which point you will receive an email to complete the application and submit it. You should then receive it within approximately 14 days. On receipt of your DBS check, we would recommend signing up to the free Update Service, to reduce your burden going forward. Again, further details will be available on the website shortly.

I appreciate this is a somewhat long (and procedural) message, but this is an incredibly important topic, and it is critical for allowing you to officiate youth rugby (or work with young officials going forward). Should you have any queries in relation to the contents of the above, do let me know. For questions on how to get checked, please email the wider team. Note that you will likely shortly be hearing from (to the extent you haven't already) your regional contacts with further details around events, dates and times for checks. Obviously we will also be undertaking such checks at the Annual Conference too, so we hope to capture a number of you there.

Thanks for getting this far - have a great weekend and hopefully see you soon.
