National Schools 7s 2022

The following information is provided by Gary Dibden, the tournament referee manager for this year.

Yes, the time has arrived to start making plans for this season’s National School Sevens. As the Referee Manager for this year’s tournament I would like to invite you to referee at this season’s tournament.

The format of events is summarised below. Age groups are U11, U13 (Juniors & Preps- Waterfall Competitions), U14, U15 (Girls), U16 (Colts), U18 (Vase, Cup, AASE Girls & Girls). Kick-offs each day are expected at 10:00, last games usually finish by 17:40.

I will use you throughout the day(s) you’re available unless you indicate morning only or afternoon only.

Naturally we need as many referees as possible as the tournament aims to be bigger than ever – even if you can only do one session it will be appreciated.

Updated: Due to excellent levels of interest, we are now operating a reserve list for Wednesday and Thursday. The other days have only a handful of remaining spaces.

If you haven’t refereed at this tournament before, please leave yourself lots of time travelling to the grounds – the traffic is usually heavy all day every day. We are currently negotiating with the organisers as to how your travelling expenses for each day will be paid to you, as well as us trying to improve the provision of food and drink during the day, some shelter from inclement weather & hopefully some changing facilities.

Due to printing requirements, only those referees names who reply indicating availability to me by 31st of January 2022 will appear in the programme.

If you are available, please fill in the availability form below & return to me at:


Gary Dibden

Tournament Site Map