Gordon Hewitt & Malcolm Jamieson: Obituaries

The following - regretful - tributes are provided by LSRFUR Training & Development Officer Nick Cousins.

It is with great regret that the Society has learned of the passing of two former members.

Gordon Hewitt

Gordon was born in Malta and he returned (and died) there when the tax authorities made his life too hot over here. It was no coincidence that alcohol and wines in particular are a lot cheaper in Malta too.

In between time he lived in Surrey and spent the majority of his time refereeing rugby and playing cricket (he played more games of cricket for MCC than anybody else and was awarded a celebratory MCC cap – unique I believe.

Gordon Hewitt

Gordon Hewitt

He refereed for London and was on the PNR for over ten years during the 1970s 80s and 90s. There are literally tens of stories about him on and off the field; mostly to do with alcohol…he invariably travelled with a bottle of scotch in his kit bag which he usually drank from liberally before each game, and finished off before going into the bar. One of the best alleges that he was sharing the changing room at Kingsholm before refereeing a Gloucester and swigging from said bottle when he was asked by the other referee (doing the 2nd XV game) what he was drinking. ‘Lucozade’ replied Gordon. The other referee helped himself and finished off the bottle in one go. The outcome was that the 2nd XV game had to be abandoned after 20 minutes.

Gordon was a true character and his great legacy is that nobody who knew him will remember him without raising a smile, not least because even at the end, when his prostate cancer had metastasised and he was confined to a wheelchair, astonishingly his liver was still functioning.

The following note was published in Malta. Id -Dar tal -Providenza is the local hospice.

Gordon Hewitt, a dedicated volunteer of Id-Dar tal-Providenza, passes away

January 5, 2021

It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we announce the passing away of Mr Gordon Hewitt, a dedicated volunteer of Id-Dar tal-Providenza. His funeral will be held on Wednesday 6 January 2021 at Siġġiewi Parish Church at 3.30pm. Eternal rest, grant unto her O Lord.

For Gordon Id-Dar tal-providenza was his second home and used to refer to it as “the happiest place in Malta, where everyone smiles.” Gordon volunteered at the Home working closely with residents with a persistent commitment until his health permitted.

Most of Mr Hewitt’s daily work involved taking out residents around the gardens of Dar tal-Providenza and was very active in various activities organized for residents both inside as well as outside the Siġġiewi Home. We especially mention his involvement in drama and other main activities throughout the year. The last play he took part in with the residents was “Il-Presepju tan-Nannu” that took place at the Catholic Institute in Floriana a year ago. Mr Hewitt was also the one who suggested the name of St. Isidore for the Agricultural Centre at Dar tal-Providenza in Siġġiewi where during the week residents preserved aromatic herbs which were then sold to the general public. Every year, he saw to it that a mass is celebrated in the Home’s chapel on the occasion of the feast of St. Isidore, the patron saint of farmers, when residents who worked at the Centre were invited and participated.

Gordon used to say that the best gift you can give to anyone is to give your time to him or her. This is exactly what Gordon used to do with the residents of Dar tal-Providenza until a few months ago when his health did not permit him to. He built a nice rapport of a sincere friendship with a lot of persons with disability who will surely treasure it throughout their lives.

Last December he received the Mgr Azzopardi Award 2020 for his dedicated work as a volunteer

Malcolm Jamieson

Malcolm started his refereeing life on the old London North West list, but when moved out to Buckinghamshire, he joined his local society. In time he became an Assessor and Match Reviewer for the South West Group and led their Match Observer team for many years. However, he was also a very welcome and popular addition to the South East Group List and was a regular at Tring and Amersham & Chiltern (where there is an Assessor’s stand named in his honour).

We are pleased to share the thoughts of the Chairman of Bucks Referees Society

It is with deep regret that I must let you all know that Malcolm Jamieson has lost his battle with bone cancer and passed away at 5am this morning.

Malcolm was a long serving member of Buckinghamshire Referees and in recognition of this long and dedicated service was awarded his colours and life membership of the society. Malcolm was also much involved in the Southwest rugby region as a match official advisor with many top referees having been given his sage advice on their way to the higher echelons of refereeing.

Malcolm was always supported by his wife Janet who in an email paid tribute to the rugby family supporting Malcolm in his fight with this disease.

He will be sadly missed.

Philip Bowden
Chair Bucks RFU Referee's Society